The selfish giant is an independent British drama film that was shot on a small budget and directed by Clio Barnard, who is known for documentaries and feature films. This was produced by Moonspun production with the help of Film4. The cast include Conner Chapman, Sean Glider and Shaun Thomas. The Selfish Giant was originally an Oscar Wilde fairy tale but has been remade into a modern film set in Bradford. It was released on the 25th of October 2013 in the UK but premiered at the Cannes film festival on the 17th of may 2013 where it won an award. It also won awards at the Toronto international film festival and was in the 2013 Lux prize.
The Trailer is on YouTube which allows everyone to watch it as many times as they wish and also share it with friends and family. There are also interviews from the cast and director on YouTube which could interest some people into going to see it. Newspaper reviews are helpful in persuading people to go and see a film. The Selfish Giant is also on film 4 on demand for people to rent at home which increases views on the film as this is easier and cheaper than going to the cinema.
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